Help Center

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Yes! Our subscription pricing plans offers a free trial to help customers decide if it’s the right fit for them.

No, our subscription pricing plans are transparent and do not have any hidden fees. The cost you pay is what you see on the pricing plan.

Yes! Our subscription pricing plans allow you to change your plan at any time.

If you miss a payment, your subscription may be paused or canceled, then you can subscribe again.

Unlike other education applications, Kangaroos offers AI grading, AI tools, and an AI teaching assistant. Making it an excellent solution to reduce the number of subscriptions you currently own.


Getting Started Guide

Get step-by-step instructions to quickly set up and use our platform, ensuring a smooth onboarding experience.


Pitch Materials to School District

Everything you need to easily pitch Kangaroos AI platform to your school and parents.


Benefits of Kangaroos AI Grader and Tools

Discover the advantages of Kangaroos AI. Our advanced AI tools save time and enhance integrity.

Ready to start saving time teaching with Kangaroos AI tools?

Learn how to seamlessly integrate Kangaroos AI grader and AI tools into your classroom easily and most importantly ethically.

Educator teaching Free AI course for teachers in a positive classroom setting

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Kangaroos AI Demo